I’ve been spending time in my garden lately with some of my good friends. Let me show you what we’ve found! Digging for potatoes is hard work. But finding those treasures is worth it! It’s a good idea to start with your gloves and an empty bucket. And don’t forget the shovel. Team Work. Thankful for friends who like to work together. We found one! Red potatoes, white potatoes, garlic and onions, red onions …
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Harvest Time
Happy Birthday, Johnny Appleseed!
Did you know that Johnny Appleseed was a real person? Some people think he came from someone’s imagination, from a made up story, a fictional character. But he was alive once just like you and me. He loved the forest and trees of all kinds, but he especially loved apple trees. He even enjoyed walking in among the trees in his bare feet! Johnny Appleseed was born in Massachusetts on September 26th in the year …
Read more »My Rhubarb is feeling a little sad…
I received a question recently from Julie. She said her rhubarb she planted this spring is beginning to wilt. She’s giving it plenty of water, so it’s not thirsty. I wonder why it’s doing that? It’s a little like solving a mystery, isn’t it? Let’s think about what makes a plant healthy and maybe we’ll discover why this one is not looking so healthy. A plant needs four things to grow well. 1. Water …
Read more »Too Many Raspberries? Not possible…
I received a question today from Becky regarding her raspberries. The berries are so heavy that the tops of the bushes are falling over. Becky wondered if staking them with taller stakes might help. I think that’s a very good idea. You could try that, or you could just invite some friends to come over and they could help pick the raspberries. Then you could all sit down together, eat the berries one by one …
Read more »Hunting for Treasure
I went hunting for treasure today in my yard and look what I found!!! MMMMMMM….. Do you know the name of the plant I found? The fruit is red and small with lots of bumps. The leaves are green with spiky edges. The stems of the plants have little prickles. The plants are probably just about as tall as you. RASPBERRIES!!! Have you ever been hunting for treasure in your yard? What did you find? …
Read more »Picking Raspberries!
Thanks for stopping by today. I love having visitors in my garden. Today I’ll be picking some more raspberries, checking on my tomatoes, and pulling a few weeds. It’s good to stay ahead of the weeds. Will you get outside today? What will you find in your outside? It’s always a surprise. So much to do, so much to learn.
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